Tuesday, May 10, 2016


(This letter is written by a person who has hurt her lover badly and confesses her love to him. It is part of a short story about love that we are sure you would enjoy reading. If you want to know more, you can start from the beginning at - http://goo.gl/lWmL7X. Or you can just start from the part that includes this letter at http://goo.gl/U3fVou. But if you have already read everything else, then please continue)

Dear Karthik,

I carry your heart with me,
I carry it in my heart.

I have never read anything as romantic as this poem by E. E. Cummings and it says or rather conveys what I want to tell you.

When I met you I had no intention of letting you into my heart. The door of which I had permanently shut after my last breakup. To say that my ex had hurt me or broken my heart wouldn't be correct. No, instead he had chosen to break my dreams one after the other.

But you brought with you everything I was not or afraid to be. I saw in you what I missed in me and so I fell madly in love, without realising.

In those three days you showed me that I still had a heart that was alive and beating, and it scared me to shit. I thought... I thought I couldn't handle one more relationship, so I ran.

Unfortunately, what followed was much worse. In trying to drown out memories of you, I had to forget a part of me that meant so much. I tried, I swear I tried! But your love was more powerful.

I don't want to run anymore. Instead, I want to melt into your arms and feel my heartbeat in you.

I love you, Karthik
and it is this love that I have for you,
I carry it with me,
I carry it in my heart.

Your's Truly,

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