Sunday, April 26, 2015


“Nice talk you gave there, Rebecca on the Role of Women in the Corporate Culture. Sheryl Sandberg is one of the best examples you could talk about.”

“Well, I am glad someone was listening.”

Rebecca had just finished her talk and was on her way to the cafeteria to eat something, when the stranger approaching her asked her, “will you be there for the next talk?”

“You are talking about Frank Kapa’s talk on Feminism and Why The World Needs It. Yes, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

“Oh, good. I too was planning to attend it. But do you agree with the topic?”

Rebecca smiled. This stranger was asking a woman if she agreed with the equality of the genders.

“I was just heading towards the cafĂ©. Would you care to join me?”


They entered the cafeteria, where there was a buffet spread for the people  attending the conference.

Rebecca quickly proceeded to pick the essentials while the stranger followed suit. They both sat opposite each other. Chomping on a piece of chicken, the stranger asked again, “so, what are your thoughts about the talk?”

“Frank Kapa is a brilliant academician. I have read his papers on different current and political issues. So, when you ask me this question, I just hope he delivers because many people are waiting to listen to hm.”

“Have you met Frank yet?”

“No, but I hope to meet him soon. I have been his fan for a few years now. Sadly, he doesn’t make public appearances.”

“I have met him. He is old and cranky. Maybe that is why even photographers avoid him.”

“Rubbish. He completed his studies from Harvard. He should be just a few years older than me.”

Rebecca got up to get a second helping. On returning he said, ‘why are we talking about him? You were telling me about your views on the topic.”

“I believe that for some reason feminism has been misunderstood and represented in the wrong way. Feminism to me means equality between the sexes and I mean that in everything.”


“You look at me with suspicion. Don’t tell me you are anti-feminism.”

“Honestly I believe women belong to the kitchen. Because that is where we can protect them.

“Wow that is utter bull-shit.  For thoughts as small as these, allow me to walk out of here.”

With that Rebecca got up to leave.

“Hey listen. OK. I know I said too much. But I am not bad. Help me understand why you support the movement.”

Rebecca looked at him suspiciously.


“Because I really want to understand it. Apart from that you still have to eat your dessert.”

“Fine,” with that they sat down again.

Over the next half an hour, Rebecca and the stranger discussed at length about Feminism and why the world needed it.

“I must thank you Rebecca, for making me look at the woman’s point of view on the topic.”

“Well, it’s been an interesting chat. Are you coming for the talk?”

“You can go ahead, I will join you there.”

As Rebecca found a place and sat herself down, the lights went dim and the compere called upon Frank Kapa.

“Thank you for having me here. I must admit that while I had committed to doing this talk months ago, I didn’t have a clue what I was going to say today - that is, until I met this beautiful lady named Rebecca.”

Rebecca was astonished. She had been speaking to Frank Kapa all the while and unknowingly she had been instrumental in being the inspiration of his talk!

~ A Story By Fizaah Faiyaz, © 2015


  1. That's great ...and very interesting... Is there a sequel coming ??

    1. I am not too sure Kokila.... But thanks for the interest :)

  2. And this was a perfect ending...
    Well woven story!!

    1. Your feedback always makes me so happy Lance :)
