“Ritesh damn it, open the door quickly!” shouted Trinity from outside.
“Coming, coming. What’s the hurry, my love?” said Ritesh to his dear friend. He opened the door to find Trinity sweating profusely.
“Idiot. Why does it take you such a long time to open the door? I was knocking the door for the last ten minutes and there are no ACs outdoor.”
“What’s all the hurry about?”
“I can’t contact Deepa. Her number is ringing but she isn’t picking it up. We need to go to her house.”
“Haa, toh, why didn’t you go alone? You know we had a fight a week ago and we are not talking, Trinity.”
“Keep your petty issues out of this.”
“The matter is serious. I am worried about her – scared that she might do something to herself.”
“What rubbish! She is a strong girl.”
“She looks strong, but has been battling depression for years now. Why do you think she fought with you?”
“I don’t know. Frankly speaking, I am shocked to hear all this! Our fight was on something trivial. I never saw it coming.”
“And yet, instead of finding the real reason, choose to stay away. We are her only 2 friends in this city.”
“Don’t blame this on me!”
“Please. Now stop arguing with me and come to her place.”
Ritesh quickly changed and both of them hailed a cab.
“You look worried, Trinity.”
“I am. The last few months have been tough on her. That stupid moron left her. I am getting married and you are moving to another town. And in all this, she is more alone than ever.”
“I know that but that still doesn’t give you reason enough to worry.”
“Well, maybe it’s in my head, but I know she has tried to cut her hand once.”
“I know about that too. But she didn’t do it, did she?”
The cab halted in front of a tall building and they got out and paid for the cab. Ritesh and Trinity banged on Deepa’s door for a good ten minutes.
“What the hell is wrong with you guys?” shouted Deepa, opening the door.
“Thank God, you are alive!” said Trinity and hugged Deepa.
All three walked into the house and sat facing each other forming a triangle.
“Oh, I see you brought the fighter along with you, Trinity.”
“I came because I care about you and I was worried,” said Ritesh.
“I took a sleeping pill before sleeping and you guys woke me up from that. So please explain your behaviour.”
“Deepa, I called you at least a couple of times. I know you were depressed. So I panicked!”
“Wait a second. You mean to say you thought I had done something drastic to myself?”
“She thought you were committing suicide.”
Deepa laughed loudly. Then became silent.
“Then my darlings, you both are a few days late. Unluckily for me I just couldn’t go through with it. That is why you see me here in front of you both today.
~ A Story By Fizaah Faiyaz
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