Sunday, June 7, 2015


“What are you doing?” asked Amita’s mom as she looked at her daughter modelling in front of the mirror.

“I am trying on your dress piece, mom,” said Amita.

“I can see that. But why? You wear one only for special occasions and I don’t think there is anything special coming up at least for a few months.”

“Well there is nothing in trying something, is there?”

“No, there isn’t. But I can see it on your face. You are not so happy about this.”

Amita looked at her mom and sat down on the bed nearby. She said, “I hate it mom, but I have to do this.”


Looking down at the floor, Amita replied, “I was talking to Purab about the wedding, the preparations and life afterwards.”


“And he told me that I should try wearing different clothes. He said I wore too much of jeans and that I should try wearing the salwar kameez on a more regular basis.”

“And you thought what he was saying was right.”

“Not really. But I said before I revolt, I better be sure that I hate it 100%”

“And now you know!”

“And now I know. And now I will have to tell him to accept me as I am, because this is not what I want.”

“And what if he doesn’t see your point?”

“Well, I will try my best. He knew how I am. It’s now like we just met. I have dated Purab for 3 years before he proposed.”

“But is this matter really worth the fight, baby?”

“Exactly. It’s too trivial. So he should be able to understand.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Then I will put a ban on his T-shirts and shorts. Only kurta pajamas for him.”

“Now you are being funny.”

“And yet you are not laughing. I know. I know.”

~ A Story By Fizaah Faiyaz