Sunday, August 30, 2015


Jill and Rita were sitting in a cafĂ© and celebrating Rita’s new promotion. They had ordered something to eat and drink, but that a secondary role to their chatting.

“Well, I am glad your promotion finally came through,” said Jill.

“I know. It was either the promotion or I would have quit. Can’t stay at a place where your colleagues are horrible people,” confessed Rita to her oldest and fastest school friend.

“So, how are your colleagues now?” asked Jill.

“I am the second in command of my department now. As of now it's too early to tell, but everything seems ok.”

“And how is your job, Miss Partner?” asked Rita.

“No complaints, just challenges, many challenges and more complicated cases. But I have learnt to take them on the chin.”

“I don't know how you manage that cruel boss of yours,” said Rita

“You know me well. You remember how frustrated I used to get in the beginning. I was literally counting my days in the beginning and then…” stopped Jill, waiting for the waiter to place wine on the table.

“Then what?” asked Rita impatiently as soon as the waiter had left.

“Then I had a major stress attack. I was battling depression without knowing it.”

“You didn't tell me,” said Rita

“In those days, I wasn’t in the condition to tell anyone anything. Now I am. And because it affected me, it affected my family and Rajiv,” confessed Jill.

“How is Rajiv? Have you fixed a date yet for the wedding?” asked Rita butting in.

“We're still deciding. But, most probably, it will be a November wedding next year. Let's see.”

“That sounds great. Anyways. How did your family and Rajiv handle all this?”

“Rajiv wanted me to quit. But I had worked too long for the partnership and I wasn’t ready to give up. I took a month’s leave, visited a meditation resort in the mountains, came back, joined yoga and meditation classes and finally started back work.”

“So, all this did it for you?”

“Not really! Meditation did help, but I was back in the same environment with the same people.”


“I was about to give up when I saw this talk on power by the actress Anushka Sharma, who was generally talking about her life and it was she who made me realise that in my life I had given  away my power to other people. And those shitty people had used it to hurt me. It’s taken me a year, but I have slowly and steadily taken back the power. Today, only four people can hurt me – mom, dad, brother and Rajiv. No one else has that power. I won’t give them the pleasure of hurting me.”

“I am happy for you, Jill.”

“Thanks. These days, when Mr. Cramer shouts, it doesn’t affect me. I call it my power mode. Life’s become so wholesome now. I got my partnership, I am now a solicitor and by the end of this month I'm giving in my papers.”

“Wow. Now that is something really smashing!” exclaimed Rita.

“I still have that talk by Anushka Sharma, if you want to see it. I heard she's got such an up roaring response on it, that she is writing a book.”

“Thanks ya. I sure as hell need it.”

“Well, let’s cheer for the power within us that most of us have given away. Let's cheer to redeem it, for lessons learnt and life regained. Lets cheer to Anushka Sharma, who unknowingly save my life and now will save yours too,” saying so Jill picked up a glass and both the girls laughed loudly.

~ A Story By Fizaah Faiyaz


  1. A lesson learnt for me .. true NOT to give that power to anyone to hurt .. Life becomes good ..


    1. Hey Bikram... After a long time...
      Anyways... It is partially a true story... I am glad that you you agree with the message. I wish someone had told me this earlier...
